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Based on the results of the most recent stock assessment update, the northern shrimp stock in the Gulf of Maine was depleted in 2018, with spawning stock biomass (SSB) at extremely low levels since 2013 (Hunter et al. 2018). The traffic light analysis of 2019 data indicated no improvement in status in 2019, with indices…
1) Update on the Summer Survey Work Group; 2) Review data from the Maine & New Hampshire inshore trawl survey, NEFSC 2018 fall survey, and the NEFSC summer survey tow calibrations; 3) Determine criteria for running a full stock assessment model versus performing a traffic light analysis; and 4) Setting tasks and timelines for completing…
The Section initiated Addendum I to consider providing states the authority to allocate their state-specific quota between gear types. Amendment 3 specifies that, in jurisdictions with historical trawl and trap fisheries, a state’s quota must be divided such that 87% is allocated to the trawl fishery and 13% is allocated to the trap fishery. This…
This document is a stock assessment update to the 2018 Benchmark Stock Assessment (ASMFC 2018). The update uses the configuration of the UME base model run and adds data from the 2018 winter sampling program, the 2018 Summer Survey, and the 2017 Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) Fall Trawl Survey.
ASMFC organized and held a Data Workshop on April 5-7, 2017 and an Assessment Workshop on April 10-12, 2018. In addition, the University of Maine held a Modeling Workshop on July 17-19, 2017. Participants of the Workshops included the ASMFC Northern Shrimp Stock Assessment Subcommittee and Technical Committee. ASMFC coordinated a Peer Review Workshop for…
Discuss Potential Inclusion of a Second Management Issue in Draft Addendum I to Extend Current Fishing Season Range in the Fishery Management Plan
Samples from the 2017 winter sampling program were composed mostly of ovigerous females from the 2013 year class and males probably from the 2015 year class.
Amendment 3 consolidates prior amendments (and associated addenda) and recent management decisions into a single document; it is now the comprehensive document for northern shrimp management in state waters.
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